Decontextualized Podcast with Natalia Rachel
How did we end up here? And why do peace, equality, belonging and well-being seem to elude us?Join Natalia Rachel as she and her guests explore the shifting fabric of humanity, past, present and future. Prepare to look beneath the surface, peer into the unconscious, connect with your compassionate heart and meet your shadows. When we understand how we have decontextualized, together we can begin to co-create a kinder and more intelligent world.
Podcasting since 2023 • 11 episodes
Decontextualized Podcast with Natalia Rachel
Latest Episodes
Decontextualized Episode 7 - Exploring Energy Mastery with Simon Alexander Ong
"Design an environment around you that makes it impossible not to make the progress you want to make - the people we spend time with, the books we read, the podcasts we listen to, what we watch, the physical spaces we spend time in - all of ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Decontextualized Mini Episode 04: Hanli and Ming's Personal Journey
“Remembering your intention when you are posting helps with your mental health, and keeps you from being too affected by what can happen on social media. ”In this episode of Decontextualized, Natalia Rachel i...
Season 1
Episode 4

Decontextualized Mini Episode 03: Heather's Personal Journey
“In order to be fully unmuted, you have to know when to press mute, and only speaking when you have something meaningful and impactful to say.”In this mini episode of Decontextualized Podcast, Heather Han...
Season 1
Episode 3

Decontextualized Mini Episode 02: Shalini's Personal Journey
“Working on self, healing self, honouring self is the key to everything.”In this mini episode of Decontextualized Podcast, Shalini Verma (director of program management) shares her personal journey and experience with trauma, and ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Decontextualized Mini Episode 01: Camilo's Personal Journey
"At that moment when I had this situation, I was at my lowest, and I didn't realise it, until I was in it."In this mini episode of Decontextualized Podcast, Camilo Andrade (vice-president of brand marketing, Nike) shares his pers...
Season 1
Episode 1